Livingrooms with Lou | Groepschanneling

Elke laatste vrijdag of zondag van de maand komen we samen om lichtveld met de Council of Light te openen. Het programma bestaat uit meerdere channelings, afgewisseld met momenten van stilte meditatie.

Een lichtveld ontstaat automatisch als meerdere mensen samenkomen met een intentie van licht en liefde voor zichzelf en de wereld. Dit lichtveld geeft de bedding voor een intieme bijeenkomst met de Council of Light, die via Malou met ons zal werken. 

Malou zal als direct channel de ruimte geven aan de Council of Light om het veld te openen en ook weer af te sluiten met een groepschanneling. Daartussen zijn er 2 rondes met de mogelijkheid om vragen te stellen aan de Council of Light.

Hoewel bovenstaand de opzet is, zou het zomaar kunnen dat er in het moment iets anders gevraagd wordt. Geen van ons weet van te voren met welke onderwerpen we gaan werken. Niet Malou, maar de Council of Light bepaalt de koers. Het enige wat echt vast ligt, is dat het samenzijn 3 uur duurt.

Deze bijeenkomsten vinden plaats op verschillende locaties door het land. De eerste locaties zijn reeds bekend. Het is ook al mogelijk om een ticket te kopen voor de edities waarvan de locatie nog onbekend is. Een ticket kan niet geretourneerd worden. Een ticket mag wel overgedragen worden aan een ander. Tijdens de Livingrooms wordt er in principe in het Nederlands gesproken.

Zorg dat je op tijd aanwezig bent. Er is een half uur ruimte voor de inloop. Als je binnenkomt in de zaal, zie je Malou al in stilte contact maken met de Council of Light. We willen dan ook vragen om stilletjes de anderen te knuffelen en een fijn plekje voor jezelf in de ruimte te maken.

  • 30 min openings channeling
  • 10 min stilte meditatie
  • 5 min terugkomen
  • 45 min Q&A deel 1
  • 15 min pauze met thee
  • 30 min Q&A deel 2
  • 15 min afsluiting door de Council, met advies voor komende maand

Welcome to join!

Volgende editie is op zondag 27 oktober 2024 van 13:00 tot 16:00 uur.

Zorg dat je uiterlijk 15 minuten voor aanvang aanwezig bent, zodat je een comfortabele plek voor jezelf kunt maken.

Looking forward to connect with you,


De eerste samenkomst is op zondag 27 oktober van 13:00 tot 16:00 uur. 

Locatie: Swammerdamstraat 31

Aantal tickets beschikbaar: 15 plaatsen


Een ticket kost €33,- we willen je vragen dit contant mee te brengen ♥

Data 2024

Data 2025

27 oktober | Utrecht
22 november | Haarlem
27 december | Onbekend

Januari 2025 | Onbekend
Februari 2025 | Onbekend
Maart 2025 | Onbekend



“Malou is one of the most gifted channels I have ever worked with. She’s kind, loving, and compassionate. She was able to hear my guides very clearly and they had so much to say. She was very gentle in her approach, asking me whether I was ok to hear about shadow work that needed to be done. I really appreciated that. There was so much packed into our session that I still listen to it sometimes and receive even more information from it. If you want a reading that will get down to the nitty gritty of what you are needing to work on, then I highly recommend a reading with Malou. She’s the kind of channel you go to when you want to hear the truth. It was like having my guides speak directly to me, which is what we need sometimes to confirm what we may already know in our hearts. I can’t recommend her highly enough.”

“Malou created such a safe space for our session. With clear, grounded, heart-centered energy she opened the space for the channeling to begin. Fear dissipates and what opened was a flow of wisdom beyond mental comprehension. All of the insights poured through like clear pristine water through my spine and calmed any previous nerves I had with opening myself to this channeling. Everything resonated deeply through the layers of what I was in conflict with, without Malou even knowing these aspects of my life. I felt affirmed with clarity and comforted by the invisible threads that are supporting my life from above. It is a true gift to have a session with Malou, I highly recommend these channeling sessions for anyone!”

“Malou is an amazingly gifted channeler and healer. I have had the pleasure of having two sessions with her in the last year and both were very clear, spot on and healing. Her strong integrity and powerful skills were tangible from the moment I began my session with her. Due to covid we were unable to meet in person, but it did not make the impact of the sessions any less. The way in which she has channeled my spirit guides and connected with me through the sessions has touched me and helped me in a process of growing and healing in life. Her gift is truly something I am grateful to have been touched by. Would highly recommend to connect with her.”

“Where do I start!? I visited Malou being probably the biggest skeptic on earth, I didn’t go in with any expectations but I came out with a heart full of love and so many insights into my life. It was the most incredible hour, I honestly struggle to put what I experienced into words but if I can say anything besides how warm and safe it feels with Malou in her home that I would encourage ANYONE to do this. Take the leap, even if you’re a skeptic like I was!”

“It took me a while to find the right words, and maybe words aren’t enough to describe what Malou’s channeling has done to me. When I got to a point in my life when I needed a change, a session with her was one thing I had to do. The environment, the atmosphere but above all the positive and sweet appearance of Malou draw you into a world of true authenticity. There you are confronted with yourself, with pain, but also with a lot of warmth and love. It took a few months to give everything a place and I am still not there. Yet I have already managed to take off excess ballast. To start with a healthier lifestyle, nutrition and finding peace in my head. And I know this is just the beginning. What more can I say if; Malou thank you for your wisdom, warmth and love.”

“Looking back on the channeling I received by Malou I feel like for me it was a turning point in my life. The way Malou was able to relay the messages that came through was very helpful. Even though the messages shocked me sometimes she was also able to help me receive them. I think her enthousiasm for spiritual / personal growth shines through the channeling. Also translating the words that come through to something I can understand is a gift of hers. For me the time and energy that Malou takes is something to be more than grateful for! I was able to record my channeling and I am confident that I can listen back to it the coming years as reminders of who I am and where I am. My dad listened to my recording and was so blown away that he scheduled an appointment with Malou, and so did my brother! So I wish to thank Malou and the spirits around us for helping me / us through this journey!”

“Dear Malou, thank you so much for the translation you gave to me of the advice my personal spiritual guide and also another guide had for me. What was very nice is that you helped me to relax in the beginning, because I was a bit tensed. I felt soon at ease. You were clear and direct about everything what happened and was told to you. What I liked a lot were the practical advises what I can do, with what was told, in my daily life. And that works and helps! It feels as if a seed is planted. I smell it, I taste it, I have fantasies about it. Sometimes it feels scary, sometimes it feels as a big inspiration. Thanks for your clearity, integrity and enthousiasm. I can fully recommend you to my friends and family. In fact, I already did.”

Malou’s channeling was a great experience. She made contact with two guides, one guides me in this world and the other guides me during a life on a parallel world. Compared to other readings I received, this one was very clear. It came out as a natural flow where everything that needed to be said also came along. I found everything that came up very recognizable. I know where I am now and have a clear direction on how to continue on my spiritual path. During the channeling, Malou also mentioned some activities that could help me in the awakening process. After the channeling Malou placed three more Tarot cards, supplemented with 2 crystals. Again very concise what it is about for me. I can heartily recommend a channeling at Malou Tan to anyone.”

“How special to see that hidden elements can slowly unfold…..a difficult part in my life that I thought I would never get figured out, is now highlighted. I don’t know how big it will be yet. Malou and my guides gave me the courage and confidence to get started on this new part of life. I got exactly what I needed to say YES from the inside. Now with a ‘yes’ from the mind, soon also with a ‘yes’ from my heart and belly. Thank you Malou for the wonderful work that only you can do in this loving, clear way. I wish everyone a channeling with their guides through Malou.”

“The channeling of Malou has been extremely valuable to me, so sincere, beautiful, fine words of the guides and spirits. My heart jumps after the channeling with a tear, a big smile, in my strength and light and wants to open completely. Thank you ❤ Malou!”

“I have experienced Malou as an honest, humorous and affectionate woman who is so clear in channeling the messages of my guides. The channeling has given me many insights and tools to get started with my own process. A must-do once in your life, it is a great gift to yourself!”


Welcome to join!

Over het algemeen vindt de transmissie plaats om 10.00u in de ochtend in het weekend of 19.30u in de avond doordeweeks op de dag van de volle/nieuwe maan.

Check het YouTube-kanaal van Malou voor eerdere recordings en meer channelings.

Hier kan je ook de meest recente transmissie terugluisteren.


Volgende transmissie is op donderdag 25 januari 2024 om 19:30 uur. 

Zorg dat je uiterlijk 5 minuten voor aanvang aanwezig bent, zodat je een comfortabele plek voor jezelf kunt maken.

Vanwege veiligheid & privacy kom je eerst binnen in de digitale wachtkamer van de zoom-omgeving, voordat je de groep kunt betreden.

De zoom-groep gaat dicht als we beginnen, zodat we zonder onderbreking kunnen mediteren.

Klik hier om in te loggen op Zoom



Deze gechannelde transmissie komt van een lichte vibratie van overvloed vanuit het hart. Voor de energie-uitwisseling vraagt Malou of je een bedrag wilt overmaken wat voor jou klopt.

Je zou een engelennummer kunnen doneren, zoals € 11,11 / € 12,12 / € 22,22 / € 33,33 enz. ♥

Donate € -

Welcome to join!

Over het algemeen vindt de transmissie plaats om 10.00u in de ochtend in het weekend of 19.30u in de avond doordeweeks op de dag van de volle/nieuwe maan.

Binnenkort openen we een online platform waar je met een membership alle channelings kan terugluisteren ♥

Voor eerdere channelings, check het YouTube-kanaal van Malou.


Volgende transmissie is op donderdag 11 januari 2024 om 10:00 uur. 

Zorg dat je uiterlijk 5 minuten voor aanvang aanwezig bent, zodat je een comfortabele plek voor jezelf kunt maken.

Vanwege veiligheid & privacy kom je eerst binnen in de digitale wachtkamer van de zoom-omgeving, voordat je de groep kunt betreden.

De zoom-groep gaat dicht als we beginnen, zodat we zonder onderbreking kunnen mediteren.

Registreer met je naam & email in het formulier. Na succesvolle betaling wordt je doorverwezen naar de Zoom-meeting, ook ontvang je de inlog details in een email.

Get your ticket

Nieuw in 2024: Zoom-link & password ontvang je als je een ticket gekocht hebt. Voor de energie-uitwisseling vragen we een bijdrage van €11,11. 

So in 2024 we start the new year with a new balance of giving and receiving.

But Malou loves to give! So for this first transmission of the year, use the coupon code: happynewyear

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